You'll need to go to your website, then login to the Members Area and go to “Content Management” and click on the page that the video will appear on and click on the default page.
Now you will click on the “Source” button which is on the left of the editing tool.
Next, go to the YouTube video that you want, and look for the 'Embed' box in the "About This Video" section. Then copy the HTML code that's provided.
You will now paste this HTML code into your “Source” page which you have opened up on steps one and two.
The HTML code you just pasted will create an embedded player; the video will play within your site when the user clicks on the 'Play' button.
You can resize the player by editing the object width="425" and height="350" fields at both the beginning and end of the embedded player code. Make sure the sizes you choose have the same ratio as the default numbers, so that the video doesn't get stretched—just multiply the width by 0.8235 to get the height.
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