How to Create "Databases"

Firehouse Solutions "Databases" has endless possibilities from allowing visitors to submit membership applications to Inventory Control for your members. Databases will keep your data safe and in reach from anywhere with an internet connection. Databases is not just a Database Tool, Databases is a public and members area "Form Builder" as well. Here we will describe the features of "Databases".
Creating a Database
Administrators and Database Managers are able to create Databases. To get started log in to the members area, click on Website Management than click on Databases. Once here you will see all current Databases and a "New Database" button. Click on "New Database". 
Database Settings
- Database Title - Title that will be displayed at top of page for this Database
- Description - The text entered here displays in the Database page when looking at records.
- Form Header - This is the text that would display above the Form fields
- Form Footer - This is the text that would display below the Form fields
- Public Security 
  • No Access - Visitors do not have access to the database
  • Form - Visitors can add records
  • Form & Data - Visitors can add records and view records
  • Data - Visitors can view records
- Members Area Security
  • No Access - Members do not have access to the database
  • Reader - Members can view records
  • Submitter - Members can add records
  • Contributor - Members can add records and view records
  • Author - Members can add records, view records, and edit records they have added
  • Editor - Members can add records, view records, edit all records, and delete all records
- Sort Order - The order the Database will appear in the Members Area Menu.
- Default Sort - The default field to sort records
- Send Notifications to - Notifications will be emailed to anyone in this list when an entry is submitted, One email address per line.
- Notify on Record Updates - Notifications will be emailed to emails on the "Send Notifications to" when the database is updated, this is selected by default.
- Redirect on Record Add - Add a valid url to redirect the user upon successfully adding a record.
- Database Orders - These members can perform all activities within this database (Read, Add, Edit, Delete)
Once all the above info is entered you will be able to click on Add Database in the top right corner of page, this will take you to the following information.
Database and Form Overview Page
Here you will see all the settings you have set up on the previous page and a "New Form Field" and "New Form Divider" button towards the middle followed by any data or divider info you have entered below.
- Edit Database - Allows the owner to change previously entered database settings and preferences 
- New Form Field - Allows the owner to add a field to the databases, we will explain the types of fields further down.
- New Form Divider - Allows the owner to add dividers between form fields and divider titles more info on this below as well.
- Form Field Table
  • Field Title - Displays each Field Title you have created for this record
  • Type - Shows the type of Form Field (i.e. Text, Number, List, etc.) you have chosen for this record
  • Primary - Displays Yes or No denoting if this item will be displayed on the main database list in the data view on the public or members side of the database
  • Required - Displays Yes or No denoting that this item is or is not a required field
  • Sort Order - This number represents the order the form field will display on the form and in the record view.
- Update - This button will update the Sort order if any changes were made in the sort order number.
Now that you understand this information we will proceed to the next step. Click on the "New Form Field" Button
New Form Field
Here you will see how to create a Form Field
- Field Title - This is the description that shows up next to the form field entry 
- Type
  • Attachment - User may attach multiple files
  • Checkbox - Displays each choice, allows user to have multiple selections checked
  • Date - Places a user fill-able date field with pop-up calendar next to field title
  • Date/Time - Places a user fill-able date field with pop-up calendar and time field next to field title
  • Date/Time Stamp - Places the current date and time on the form and can not be changed by the user or admin
  • Decimal - User fill-able decimal field to capture numerical data
  • Email - User fill-able email field
  • List - Displays each choice in a drop down style selection box, this allows one selection per field
  • Member Multi Select - Select multiple from drop down style list of all active members
  • Member Single Select - Select one from drop down style list of all active members
  • Member Stamp - Places the members name who submitted the entry on the form and can not be changed by the user or admin
  • Memo - Places a large text field on the form this would be ideal when you are expecting more then a short sentence in the end users submission
  • Month/Year - User fill-able month/year field with a pop-up calendar
  • Multi Select - Select multiple values from drop down style list
  • Number - Allows entry of numbers and can handle a number up to 9-Digits long, This should not be used for phone numbers as they are 10 digits
  • Radio Button - Displays each choice, allows user to only select one choice (Good for a Yes or No button)
  • Text - Places a single line text box for short text submissions 
  • Time - Places a user fill-able time field next to the field title
- Primary - Shows up on the main view when navigating records
- Required - Is this field required? if yes the user has to submit something to this field or the form will not allow submission.
- Admin Use Only - Admin Use Only fields may only be seen and updated by Database Owners
- Sort Order - This number represents the order the form field will display in the form and in the record view
Once this entry has been submitted you will be taken back to the "Database and Form Overview Screen" where you can create another Form Field, repeat this until all required form fields are entered.
New Form Divider
Here we will create a nice filled line that will divide between different sections, for example "Billing Address" and "Physical Address"
- Divider Title - This is the text that will display above the divider line
- Sort Order - This is how you place the divider line in the form, here you choose a number between the two fields you would like to divide.