National Weather Service Alerts

At Firehouse Solutions, we feel that it is part of our mission to help emergency service organizations communicate with local citizens.  That is why we are proud to introduce a new feature that will automatically display National Weather Service alerts on your website's home page.  The feature will only display if a National Weather Service alert is active within your city or county.  If an alert is active, such as a hurricane warning, an alert box will appear at the top of your homepage and provide a link for visitors to view the source of the official alert.  Here is an example of the alert box.
To make this feature available for all customers, our team will soon be entering your National Weather Service "County Code" in the settings for your website.  We will also style the alert box to professionally match your color scheme.  The feature will be functional across all websites by October 1, 2014.
If you would prefer not to display emergency weather information on your website, feel free to opt out by contacting us at or calling us at 301.475.1900.