Display Boards are now in Beta Mode

Firehouse Solutions has a new and exciting feature to present to our Package 1 Customers called Display Boards.  Display Boards are simply electronic bulletin boards that run on a high-definition television to present helpful information to firefighters.
Like all of our tools, we have built our Display Board Technology so that customers can build and customize them to fit their own needs.  Administrators can add/remove widgets on a Display Board.  A widget can display weather, recent announcements, today's duty crew, etc.  Display Boards can even present information directly from a database within your website!  If there is an active severe weather alert in your county, it will scroll along the footer.
Customers can deploy multiple display boards and they can be operated from any internet-connected computer with a web browser.  They can run on ChromeBit, however, our team is recommending they run on ChromeBox which offers extra processing power.  We also recommend running them using Google Chrome Web Browser.
Data is streamed to the display boards in real-time.  This means that the moment an update is made on your website, it will also be instantly reflected on the Display Board.  If the connection to the Internet is lost, the software will continue attempting to reconnect the data stream until the Internet is back online.
Lastly, Display Boards can be integrated with Active911.  This means that when an alert is received, the Display Board will be wiped clean and the incident response data appears, including a timer, directions, map, and even Google Streetview!  This really is great stuff and our team is very excited to offer it to you guys.
Display Boards are currently in BETA mode and can be accessed in your Members Area > Website Management > Display Boards (BETA).  We are currently drafting instructions and documentation.  Feedback from you and your firefighters is encouraged.
Our Team would like to wish you and your organization a safe and joyful Christmas and New Year.  Be safe!