Email Alerts
Idea shared by Jerry Galu - 7/17/2018 at 10:48 AM
We would like to see all of the member area announcements, events, documents ect have a check box to disable or enable email alerts. Simple reason is not to overload members with emails when you add multiple items to the members section. One alert is more than enough, anything new has a flag next to it to indicate to the member a new item they have not seen yet. 

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Ron Raley Replied
Employee Post
Jerry, thank you for your feedback. It is appreciated and we have seen this request before.
That being said, a member can always update his/her e-Alert settings.
The bypass is only on the calendar because many organizations mass update the calendar yearly, causing massive e-Alerts. But remember, a member can "subscribe" to the calendar feed using their personal calendar software.
We want to ensure that a member can be part of the organization's website and guarantee that records are not added under the radar.
Again, thanks for the input. Hopefully this thread will receive further insight.
Ron Raley Firehouse Solutions P.O. Box 911 Leonardtown, MD 20650 Office: 301-475-1900 Email: Ron@FirehouseSolutions.com

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